How to rank keywords using SEO - Mocaup

How to rank keywords using SEO

keywords rank stratagy 1
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The first step to ranking your keywords is to create quality content that answers the user’s questions. For example, if you’re trying to rank a keyword like “dogs”, you should take the time to create an article about dogs with pictures and videos of them. This will help you rank in the top three spots for this keyword.

The second step is optimizing your website speed, so that it loads quickly when people search for your keyword. This can be achieved by using a CDN, which will make your site load faster across different devices and networks. A CDN also helps prevent page caching issues and makes sure that users have an optimal experience when visiting your website.

The third step is creating a responsive website that scales well across different screen sizes and resolutions. You can do this by using media queries or CSS3 media features like @media or @supports, which are available in all modern browsers (including mobile ones) but aren’t supported by older versions of IE 10 and down.

The fourth step is making sure that your domain name has a good Alexa Rank (which measures traffic from Google). This can be done through some basic SEO techniques like backlinks and SEO on-page optimization.

The fifth step is making sure that your website is fast and secure. This can be done by using a CDN, caching assets, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, or using HTTP/2 instead of HTTP/1.

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